tailieunhanh - Báo cáo hóa học: " The transfer from survey (map-like) to route representations into Virtual Reality Mazes: effect of age and cerebral lesion"

Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành hóa học dành cho các bạn yêu hóa học tham khảo đề tài: The transfer from survey (map-like) to route representations into Virtual Reality Mazes: effect of age and cerebral lesion | Carelli et al. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2011 8 6 http content 8 1 6 Hill JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING NCR AND REHABILITATION RESEARCH Open Access The transfer from survey map-like to route representations into Virtual Reality Mazes effect of age and cerebral lesion 1 1 3 3 f r - 2 Laura Carelli 1 Maria Luisa Rusconi Chiara Scarabelli Chiara Stampatori Flavia Mattioli Giuseppe Riva Abstract Background To go from one place to another we routinely generate internal representations of surrounding spaces which can include egocentric body-centred and allocentric world-centred coordinates combined into route and survey representations. Recent studies have shown how both egocentric and allocentric representations exist in parallel and are joined to support behaviour according to the task. Our study investigated the transfer from survey map-like to route representations in healthy and brain-damaged subjects. The aim was two-fold first to understand how this ability could change with age in a sample of healthy participants aged from 40 to 71 years old second to investigate how it is affected after a brain lesion in a 8 patients sample with reference to specific neuropsychological frames. Methods Participants were first required to perform the paper and pencil version of eight mazes then to translate the map-like paths into egocentric routes in order to find the right way into equivalent Virtual Reality VR mazes. Patients also underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation including a specific investigation of some topographical orientation components. Results As regards the healthy sample we found age-related deterioration in VR task performance. While education level and gender were not found to be related to performance global cognitive level Mini Mental State Examination previous experience with computer and fluidity of navigation into the VR appeared to influence VR task results. Considering the clinical sample .