tailieunhanh - Tái sử dụng bã thải trồng rau mầm để làm giá thể hữu cơ

Xuất phát từ thực tế trên nghiên cứu này đã được thực hiện với mục tiêu thử nghiệm một số phương pháp xử lý bã thải trồng rau mầm để sản xuất giá thể hữu cơ sạch tái sử dụng cho trồng rau mầm an toàn. Kết quả nghiên cứu của đề tài có thể giúp ích cho những người làm nghề trồng rau mầm và các cơ sở sản xuất kinh doanh rau mầm trong định hướng xử lý và tận dụng nguồn bã thải để tạo ra sản phẩm phục vụ cho sản xuất nông nghiệp sạch, góp phần giải quyết vấn đề về chất thải sản xuất cho địa phương. | VNU Journal of Science Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 38 No. 3 2022 45-54 Original Article Recycling Sprout By-product as Organic Growing Media Nguyen Ngan Ha Le Anh Tuan VNU University of Science 334 Nguyen Trai Thanh Xuan Hanoi Vietnam Received 28 July 2021 Revised 22 December 2021 Accepted 10 February 2022 Abstract Sprout by-product is a nutrient-rich organic material but difficult to biodegrade in natural environmental conditions. Sprout by-product includes used media part of the sprout stems and roots left after harvest. The accumulation of this waste with increasing amounts over time can cause serious environmental pollution in production areas. To reduce waste volume at the resource this study provided several treatment methods of sprout by-product to effectively recycle it for safe sprout production. The treatment methods proposed for sprout by-product were i To incubate with microbial product called as EMUNIV for 30 days to create the first organic growing medium - GT2 pre-treat with 1 lime solution ii Mix with dried soybean husk at a ratio of 1 1 to create the second organic growing medium - GT3 or iii Mix with dried soybean husk in a 1 1 ratio to create the third organic growing medium - GT4. The results showed that the created organic growing media had neutral pH high organic matter and nitrogen phosphorus potassium content. The treated substrates were not contaminated with some heavy metals Pb Cd As and pathogenic microorganisms Salmonella . Raphanus sativus var. radicula sprouts grown on new organic media had the seed germination rate of 95-98 normal growing with higher productivity than the control from to times crude protein vitamin C content also higher than the control. Sprouts grown using this recycled media were assessed safe because of not being polluted by heavy metals Pb Cd pathogenic microorganisms Salmonella and nitrate. The treatment of sprout by-product according to the method for creating organic medium GT2