tailieunhanh - Otolaryngolog Head and Neck Surgery - part 8

to hoặc thận tăng lên thần kinh cơ chẹn và thư giãn không phân cực: ngưng thở Disulfiram (Antabuse): Dilantin rối loạn tâm thần cấp tính độc hại và giảm mức độ phenobarbital Rượu metronidazole: Antabuse như phản ứng: nhịp tim nhanh, đỏ bừng mặt, thuốc chống đông máu tiêu chảy uống thuốc chống đông máu chống đông máu làm tăng hiệu lực miệng: | Cip oflox Cimetidine Tagamet increases its level Cyclosporine increases its level Cip gemi oflox Probenecid decreases clearance of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin Cip Caffeine increases level of caffeine Phenytoin Dilantin alters level of phenytoin Theophylline Theo-Dur etc. increases level of theophylline Gemi Foscarnet levels increase seizure risk Methadone levels increase Moxi levo gati Antarrhythmics increase Q-T arrhythmias Levo precaution Moxi warning - avoid Aminoglycosides Gentamicin Tobramycin Amikacin Amphotericin B cisplatin cyclosporine furosemide Lasix vancomycin radiocontrast NSAIDS increased oto or nephrotoxicity Neuromuscular blockers and non-polarizing relaxants apnea Metronidazole Flagyl Disulfiram Antabuse acute toxic psychosis Dilantin and phenobarbital decrease metronidazole levels Alcohol Antabuse-like reaction tachycardia flushing diarrhea Oral anticoagulants increases anticoagulant effect Cefotetan Oral anticoagulants increases bleeding Tetracyclines Doxycycline Atovaquone levels decrease Digoxin increases level of digoxin toxicity up to 10 several months Antacids sucralfate Carafate decrease absorption of tetra Methoxyflurane renal toxicity Warfarin bleeding doxy Barbiturates phenytoin and carbamazepine decrease doxy levels Sulfonamides and TMP SMX Amantadine increases level of amantadine Digoxin increases level of digoxin Diuretics TK ịNa Cyclosporine decreases level increases creatinine Methotrexate increases marrow suppression Oral contraceptives decreases effect Phenobarbital decreases sulfa Rifampin increases level of rifampin Warfarin et al. anticoagulants bleeding Phenytoin Dilantin increases level of phenytoin Loperamide Imodium increases level of loperamide Vancomycin Aminoglycosides oto-nephrotoxicity 78 Rifampin Avoid combined use with antiretroviral HIV agents delavirdine nevirapine and all protease inhibitors see page 24 . Decreases their effectiveness. Rifampin decreases serum levels and effectiveness of beta-blockers metoprolol .