tailieunhanh - Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced) Period :40

Tham khảo tài liệu 'lesson plan (grade 11 – advanced) period :40', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Lesson Plan grade 11 - advanced Period 40 Preparation date 24 10 2011 Unit 5 Lesson writing I. Aims - By the end of the lesson the students are able to write a letter to ask for information. - By the end of the lesson the students are able to write a letter to give information II. Lexical items -Deadline -Stipulate -Precise -Eligible III. Structures - I am writing to clarify several of the regulations of the contest. - This is a reminder for us to be more specific and precise. IV. Teaching aids - textbook - handouts - Sheets of paper - chalk and board V. Techniques - writing-based - Procedures State time Teacher s and students activities Blackboard Materials 1. warm- uP 6 -8 Game Save the Princess -Draw on the board a cave with ways down the princess is down in the cave. -Divide the class into two groups Thach Sanh and the moster. Stick the pictures on the two mouths openings of the cave. -Read This is form the King The princess has disappeared . Anyone who - Drawings -Chalk board can find and save her will be allowed to marry her and become the next King of the nation. -Then tell SS to save the princess they have to read out a 12-letter word by guessing the letters. -The groups take turns to guess the letters with a correct letter they get one step down the cave if they are faster and can get to the princess and save her . read the key word they will win the game. - Ask SS where they can get information about a competition or contest. Expected on TV the radio -Chalk .