tailieunhanh - The theologic view of the Christian and misionary alliance and the Evangelical church of Vietnam on missionary matter and national culture through survey of missionary history

In Christ and Culture, H. Richard Niebuhr introduces five forms. Thanks to these forms the faith of Christians can relate culture. The author considers these forms as the relational forms between Christ and Culture. In order to understand these forms we need to study two concepts: Christ and Culture. This article does not go into details of five forms; it only puts forth these forms to help readers to understand theological view of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) and The Evangelical Church of Vietnam (ECVN) on national culture in missionary history. The following are 5 relational forms between the faith of Christians and culture in Niebuhr’s work. | The theologic view of the Christian and misionary alliance and the Evangelical church of Vietnam on missionary matter and national culture through survey of missionary history