tailieunhanh - foodborne disease outbreaks

Tham khảo sách 'foodborne disease outbreaks', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, kĩ thuật viễn thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | FOODBORNE DISEASE OUTBREAKS Guidelines for Investigation and Control eWorld Health Organization Foodborne disease outbreaks Guidelines for investigation and control World Health Organization ban quvcn WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Foodbome disease outbreaks guidelines for investigation and control. contamination - prevention and control. 2 Food poisoning - prevention and control 3 Gasnointcstinal diseases prevention and control diseases -epidemiology. 5 Enterobacteriaceae infections prevention and control infections - epidemiology 7 Disease outbreaks s Guidelines I World Health Organization ISBN 978 92 4 154722 2 NLM classification we 260 1 World Health OrfijmizAtion 2 MW All rights reserved. Publications of tile World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press. World I ỉcaỉth Organization. 20 Axeniie Appia. 12 JI Geneva 27. Switzerland tel. 11 22 791 3261. lax 41 22 791 1857. e-mail. Ixx kot dc skiuho inti Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WI Io publications - uhetbei I m sale or ftrf noncommcivial distribution - ihould he to WHO Prctó. al tire above address fax Ml 22 791 48ÍK1 e-mail permissions it who mt The designations employed ami the piVM-ilatKxn of tlx material in lilts publication lb not imply lhe expression of liny opinion whatsoever on lhe purl OÍ the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of liny country. territory. city or area or of Its authorities. or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers Of IxMindanes. Doited lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet lx full agreement I he mention of companies III of certain manufacture s products dixrs not imply that the are endorsed HI Tccoiitincndird bv the World Health Organization m pivfeivncc o uthciN of a . 111111 ar nature that arc not mentioned linws and omissions cxccpicd the names of proprietary products arc distinguished by initial capital .