tailieunhanh - báo cáo hóa học:" Deep sequencing of gastric carcinoma reveals somatic mutations relevant to personalized medicine"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về hóa học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học đề tài : Deep sequencing of gastric carcinoma reveals somatic mutations relevant to personalized medicine | Holbrook et al. Journal of Translational Medicine 2011 9 119 http content 9 1 119 JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE RESEARCH Open Access Deep sequencing of gastric carcinoma reveals somatic mutations relevant to personalized medicine I G l n n Pi I lr Jhrr ir ilz1 2l ol c D rlzor3 T I lor i har4 A onrl Q I IcMcox 4 Achlox K i I Il inhoc4 Jodnnd D Holbrook Joel S Pdrker KdLiileen I Gdlldgi ler Wendy S Hdlsey Asiney M Hugiies Victor J Weigmdn3 Peter F Lebowitz 1 dnd Rdkesh Kumdr1 Abstract Background Globdlly gdstric cdncer is the second most common cduse of cdncer-reldted dedth with the mdjority of the hedlth burden borne by economicdlly less-developed countries. Methods Here we report d genetic chdrdcterizdtion of 50 gdstric ddenocdrcinomd sdmples using dffymetrix SNP drrdys dnd Illuming mRNA expression drrdys ds well ds Illuming sequencing of the coding regions of 384 genes belonging to vdrious pdthwdys known to be dltered in other cdncers. Results Genetic dlterdtions were observed in the WNT Hedgehog cell cycle DNA ddmdge dnd epithelidl-to-mesenchymdl-trdnsition pdthwdys. Conclusions The ddtd suggests tdrgeted therapies dpproved or in clinicdl development for gdstric cdrcinomd would be of benefit to 22 of the pdtients studied. In dddition the novel mutdtions detected here dre likely to influence clinicdl response dnd suggest new tdrgets for drug discovery. Background Despite recent decline of mortality rates from gastric cancer in North America and in most of Northern and Western Europe stomach cancer remains one of the major causes of death worldwide and is common in Japan Korea Chile Costa Rica Russian Federation and other countries of the former soviet union 1 . Despite improvements in treatment modalities and screening the prognosis of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma remains poor 2 . To understand the pathogenesis and to develop new therapeutic strategies it is essential to dissect the molecular mechanisms that regulate the