tailieunhanh - REPORT NO. 2011-164 MARCH 2011 HILLSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Financial Audit_part3

BÁO CÁO KHÔNG. 2011-164 báo cáo như một thực thể tham gia vào hoạt động chỉ kinh doanh. Cuộc bầu cử này thông qua các cơ sở dồn tích của kế toán và báo cáo entitywide bao gồm các thành phần sau đây: Quản lý của Thảo luận và phân tích cơ bản tài chính báo cáo: • Các • Các • Các • Các Báo cáo tài sản ròng Bản Tuyên Bố Thu, Chi, và thay đổi trong Báo cáo tài sản ròng của Tiền mặt dòng Ghi chú báo cáo tài chính. | March 2011 report No. 2011-164 HILLSBOROUGH community college A component unit of the state of FLORIDA notes to financial statements Continued June 30 2010 to report as an entity engaged in only business-type activities. This election requires the adoption of the accrual basis of accounting and entitywide reporting including the following components Management s Discussion and Analysis Basic Financial Statements Statement of Net Assets Statement of Revenues Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements Other Required Supplementary Information Basis of Accounting. Basis of accounting refers to when revenues expenses and related assets and liabilities are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Specifically it relates to the timing of the measurements made regardless of the measurement focus applied. The College s financial statements are presented using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues expenses gains losses assets and liabilities resulting from exchange and exchange-like transactions are recognized when the exchange takes place. Revenues expenses gains losses assets and liabilities resulting from nonexchange activities are generally recognized when all applicable eligibility requirements including time requirements are met. The College s component unit uses the economic resources measurement focus and accrual basis of accounting whereby revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred and follows FASB standards of accounting and financial reporting for not-for-profit organizations. The College follows GASB pronouncements and FASB pronouncements issued on or before November 30 1989 unless the FASB pronouncements conflict with GASB pronouncements. Under GASB Statement No. 20 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Proprietary Funds and Other Governmental Entities That Use Proprietary Fund Accounting the College has .