tailieunhanh - Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review (Volume 42) - Chapter 5a

Trong số các triệu loài côn trùng được gọi, chỉ một vài nghìn được tìm thấy trong môi trường sống biển. Halobates chi là gần như độc quyền hàng hải và là duy nhất có loài chỉ được biết đến để sống trong đại dương mở. Trong số 46 loài Halobates mô tả, chỉ có năm là hoàn toàn trong môi trường sống đại dương, với phần lớn các loài sống trong các khu vực ven biển kết hợp với rừng ngập mặn hoặc các thực vật biển khác. Tổng quan này trình bày một tài khoản ngắn gọn lịch. | THE MARINE INSECT HALOBATES HETEROPTERA GERRIDAE BIOLOGY ADAPTATIONS DISTRIBUTION AND PHYLOGENY NILS M0LLER ANDERSEN1 LANNA CHENG2 1Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen Universititsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark 2Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California-San Diego La Jolla CA 92093-0202 E-mail lcheng@ Abstract Among the million or so insect species known only a few thousand are found in marine habitats. The genus Halobates is almost exclusively marine and is unique in having the only known species to live in the open ocean. Of the 46 Halobates species described only five are completely oceanic in habitat with the majority of species living in coastal areas associated with mangroves or other marine plants. This review presents a brief historical account of the genus and provides information on various aspects of its life history ecology special adaptations distribution and biogeography. Distribution maps of the five oceanic species as well as several of the more widely distributed coastal species have been updated. The phylogeny and evolution of Halobates based on morphology and recent molecular data are also discussed. A key to all known species of Halobates and related genera and a checklist of all species and their distributions are included as appendices. Introduction The oceans have always held a great fascination to us. Many great voyages were launched to explore the oceans and what lies beyond. A great variety of marine organisms were collected and described during these voyages but insects appear to have received little attention. Although they are the most abundant animals on land insects are relatively rare in marine environments Cheng 1976 . However a few thousand insect species belonging to more than 20 orders are considered to be marine Cheng Frank 1993 Cheng 2003 . The majority of marine insects belong to the Coleoptera Hemiptera and Diptera and they can be found in various marine habitats. However the only .