tailieunhanh - Macadamia Newsletter for Vietnam

Dự án Macadamia cho Việt Nam (037/05 / VIE)-CARD có tiêu đề "Thiết lập vườn ươm và đào tạo để có hiệu quả nhân giống cây chất lượng cao và thử nghiệm mô hình trồng Macadamia trong 3 tỉnh miền Bắc Việt Nam. " This project is supported by the Cooperation Rural Development Programme, a joint initiative of Vietnam and the Australian government. 3-year project started in 2006 and is being conducted by the Center for Environmental Tourism and Development (CETD) and subtropical Association of Australian farm forestry (SFFA). | Macadamia Newsletter for Vietnam Issue 1 2007 from little things big things grow Australian Team Leader s report Welcome to the first issue of the Macadamia Newsletter for Vietnam. Congratulations to Vietnam for joining the International Macadamia industry which includes Australia USA South Africa China and a number of other countries growing the worlds finest nut. The nut is a native of Australia s rainforest and is still largely unknown this is despite the fact that it is one of the healthiest and finest tasting nuts the world has to offer. Growing Macadamia in Vietnam has the potential to enhance economic socials and environmental values of the country while at the same time helping to expand the global macadamia production of a higher value tree crop. Macadamia comprises of less than 2 of the world nut trade so additional production is needed if the world is to benefit from such a premium nut. Australia leads the world in terms of Nut in Shell . production of over 40 000 tons a year and plantings of 21 000 ha more than double that of Hawaii and South Africa. Vietnam and Australian governments have recognised the importance of collaborative development in the agricultural sector with regard to many crops including that of Macadamia. Although Vietnam is a poor country it has been recognise as a valuable partner when it comes to agricultural initiatives such as that of Macadamia. Under the Collaborative Agricultural and Rural Development program CARD the Australian and Vietnam governments are supporting a project which aims to help Vietnam in its sustainable development of a macadamia industry and integrate this development with that of the other involved countries especially that of Australia. The type of collaborative higher value agricultural development will help the poor farmers and agricultural workers while at the same time creating environmental and social benefits. Supported by Project report CONTENTS 1 Australian team leaders report 2 - 3 Macadamia