tailieunhanh - Suy dinh dưỡng và một số yếu tố liên quan của trẻ dưới 5 tuổi bị nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp cấp tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa khu vực Cam Ranh

Nghiên cứu nhằm đánh giá thực trạng suy dinh dưỡng của trẻ dưới 5 tuổi bị nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp cấp (NKHHC) tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa khu vực Cam Ranh, tỉnh Khánh Hoà năm 2022. Đối tượng và phương pháp nghiên cứu: Nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang tiến hành trên 278 trẻ em dưới 5 tuổi bị NKHHC đang điều trị tại Bệnh viện Đa khoa khu vực Cam Ranh, tỉnh Khánh Hoà năm 2022. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 64 Special Issue 10 115-122 INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH UNDERNUTRITION STATUS AND SOME RELATED FACTORS OF CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS OLD WITH ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS AT CAM RANH REGIONAL HOSPITAL Do Nam Khanh1 Tran Le Hong Giang1 2 Le Quang Vinh2 Nguyen Thi Hong Tham1 Nguyen Thuy Linh1 Pham Van Phu1 1 Hanoi Medical University - Ton That Tung Dong Da Hanoi Vietnam 2 Cam Ranh regional General Hospital - 97 Nguyen Thai Hoc Cam Loc Cam Ranh city Khanh Hoa Vietnam Received 08 09 2023 Revised 07 10 2023 Accepted 02 11 2023 ABSTRACT Objective The study aimed to assess the undernutritional status and some related factors of children under 5 years with acute respiratory infections ARI at Cam Ranh Regional General Hospital Khanh Hoa Province in 2022. Subjects and methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 278 children under 5 years receiving treatment for ARI at Cam Ranh Regional General Hospital in 2022. Results Among the 278 children in the study the prevalence of mild underweight was stunting was and wasting was . Children whose mothers gained less than 10 kg during pregnancy had a times higher risk of mild underweight compared to those whose mothers gained more than 10 kg p . Children not breastfed within the first 6 hours after birth had a times higher risk of mild underweight compared to those breastfed early. Children receiving early supplementary feeding before 6 months had a times higher risk of mild underweight compared to those receiving supplementary feeding after 6 months p . Conclusion Children under 5 years with acute respiratory infections presenting at Cam Ranh Regional General Hospital have a relatively high prevalence of undernutrition. Children whose mothers gained less than 10 kg during pregnancy and those receiving early supplementary feeding are at a higher risk of mild underweight. Keywords Malnutrition acute respiratory infection Cam Ranh. .