tailieunhanh - Chính sách biên viễn của triều Nguyễn nhìn từ tác phẩm “Hưng Hóa ký lược” của Phạm Thận Duật

Kế thừa kinh nghiệm và di sản của các triều đại trước, đến thời Nguyễn (1802-1945) triều đình Huế luôn quan tâm đến việc quản lý các vùng biên viễn, trong đó có Hưng Hóa, vùng biên cương phía Tây Bắc, có vị trí địa - chiến lược trọng yếu của đất nước. Bài vết tập trung làm rõ bối cảnh ra đời, cách thức tiếp cận, nội dung cơ bản, . của tác phẩm ký (địa chí) có hàm lượng thông tin phong phú và giá trị về khoa học. | VNU Journal of Science Policy and Management Studies Vol. 38 No. 4 2022 33-46 Review Article The Border Policy of the Nguyen Dynasty as Seen from Pham Than Duat s Work Hung Hoa Summary Nguyen Van Kim Tran Xuan Thanh VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities 336 Nguyen Trai Thanh Xuan Hanoi Vietnam Received 28 October 2022 Revised 03 December 2022 Accepted 06 December 2022 Abstract In the Nguyen Dynasty 1802-1945 inheriting the knowledge and legacy of the previous dynasties the Hue court was always interested in the management of the border areas particularly Hung Hoa the northwest border region with a geo-strategic position of the country. Based on the study of the life and career of Pham Than Duat 1825-1885 and his works especially Hung Hoa Summary the article focuses on clarifying the context approach and content of the geographic work which has a rich and valuable scientific information content. The real-world experiences Pham Than Duat had while adhering to the imperial court s directives as a Tuan Giao chief magistrate in the province of Hung Hoa during roughly two years 1855 1866 revealed his feeling of responsibility and dignity as a mandarin-intellectual passionate patriot. In order to carry out his responsibilities and make insightful management judgments he carefully examined the area s geography residents and cultural customs. His initiatives and programs not only help to maintain peace in the Hung Hoa region one of the more ethnically diverse and politically difficult regions but they also help to inspire locals to pursue personal and professional growth. encourage communication and interaction between ethnic groups in border regions. Because of the thoughts and contents it expresses any scientists use the Hung Hoa summary as a valuable reference for researching remote locations especially those in the Northwest of Vietnam during the nineteenth century. Keywords Pham Than Duat Hung Hoa border policy Nguyen Dynasty. _ Corresponding author. E-mail