tailieunhanh - A test to measure commercial dairy farmer’s knowledge towards Brucellosis in dairy animals

A standardized knowledge test was developed to measure the extent of knowledge of commercial dairy farmers towards brucellosis in dairy animals. Initially 32 items list was prepared which were related to different aspects of brucellosis and its sign, symptoms, modes of transmission, vaccination and prevention and control in dairy animals were selected with discussion of expertsin the field of Veterinary Extension Education, Extension Education, and were from various Agricultural and Veterinary Universities. It was further processed by pretesting and item analysis with using difficulty and discrimination index, as based on the result obtained after calculation some of the items excluded for next step and those items which satisfied the given standard criteria such items are again subjected to point bi serial correlation and finally items which shows the significance value were retained for the final test so in total 20 items were selected for the final Knowledge test. | A test to measure commercial dairy farmer’s knowledge towards Brucellosis in dairy animals

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