tailieunhanh - Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery Episode 8

Tham khảo tài liệu 'membranes for industrial wastewater recovery episode 8', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Industrial waters 15 7 Nunn . 19 79 . The dyeing of synthetic polymers and acetate fibres. Dyers Comp. Pub. Trust. OECD 1981 . Emission control in the textile industry. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Paris. Pagga N. and Brown D. 1986 . The degradation of dyestuff Part II. Behaviour of dyestuffs in aerobic biodegradation tests. Chemosphere 15 479. Perkowski J. Kos L. and Ledakowicz s. 1996 . Application of ozone in textile wastewater treatment. Ozone Sci. Eng. 18 73-85. Porter JJ. 1990 . Membrane filtration techniques used for recovery of dyes chemicals and energy. Am. Dyestuff Rep. 22 21. Porter . 1998 . Recovery of polyvinyl alcohol and hot water from the textile wastewater using thermally stable membranes. J. Membrane Sci. 151 45-53. Porter . and Goodman . 1984 . Recovery of hot water dyes and auxiliary chemicals from textile waste streams. Desalination 49 185-192. Porter . and Gomes . 2000 . The rejection of anionic dyes and salt from water solutions using a polypropylene microfilter. Desalination 128 81 -90. Porter . and Snider . 1976 . Long-term biodegradability of textile chemicals. J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 48 2198. Preston c. 1986 . The dyeing of cellulosic fibres. Dyers Comp. Pub. Trust. PRG 1983 . A guide for the planning design and implementation of wastewater treatment plants in the textile industry Part 1. Closed loop treatment recycle system for textile sizing desizing effluents. Pollution Research Group Pretoria South Africa. Rott u. and Minke R. 1999 . Overview of wastewater treatment and recycling in the textile processing industry. Wat. Sci. Technol. 40 1 137-144. Sacks J. and Buckley . 1999 . Anaerobic treatment of textile size effluent. 40 1 177-182. Shaw T. 1994a . Agricultural chemicals in raw wool and the wool textile industry. J. Inst. Water Env. Management 8 287. Shaw T. 1994b . Mothproofing agents in UK wool textile effluents. J. Inst. Water Env. Management 8. 393. Shaw . Carliell .