tailieunhanh - Beginning Visual Basic .NET Database Programming phần 9

Như chúng ta đã thấy trong các chương trước đó, sự kiểm soát lưới dữ liệu có khả năng cho phép chúng tôi di chuyển xung quanh các bảng khác nhau khá dễ dàng. Trong phần này chúng tôi sẽ mở rộng những gì chúng ta có do đó, khi chúng ta có một thứ tự hiển thị trong lưới dữ liệu, chúng tôi có thể đi sâu xuống để xem các đường tạo ra theo thứ tự. | Chapter 13 The response entry clearly shows us what was returned to the client xml version encoding utf-8 soap Envelope xmlns soap http soap envelope xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema-instance xmlns xsd http 2001 XMLSchema soap Body GetShippingDetailsResponse xmlns http 1861005555 GetShippingDetailsResult RequestOk true RequestOk RequestProblem xsi nil true HasBeenShipped true HasBeenShipped ShippedDate 1996-07-16T00 00 01 00 ShippedDate ShippingMethod xsi nil true ShippedToName Vins et alcools Chevalier ShippedToName ShippedToAddress 59 rue de l Abbaye ShippedToAddress ShippedToCity Reims ShippedToCity ShippedToRegion xsi nil true ShippedToPostalCode 51100 ShippedToPostalCode ShippedToCountry France ShippedToCountry GetShippingDetailsResult GetShippingDetailsResponse soap Body soap Envelope Again I ve highlighted the important parts in gray. This XML will be used to populate our ShippingDetailsResult object on the client. One thing to watch when using proxyTrace is that if you send another request another entry might not appear in the list on the left. Whenever a request is made the connection remains open for a short time. This makes communication more efficient. If you don t see the new request but connected is shown in the Status column you ll have to select another request in the list and then reselect the original one. Unfortunately you can t just click on the blank area of the list to select nothing and then flip back again so if you only have one request close and restart proxyTrace. How It Works proxyTrace acts as a proxy server intercepting and examining requests for web resources before forwarding them on to the server. Most proxy servers let you examine the data that they handle and that of course is the sole purpose of proxyTrace. It is useful for situations when you re getting errors from a Web Service as you can determine whether or not the service is returning the expected response. If .