tailieunhanh - Đánh giá tính an toàn của liệu pháp khí dung dịch nổi môi trường nuôi cấy tế bào gốc trung mô người Stemsup ở bệnh nhân bệnh phổi tắc nghẽn mạn tính

Bài viết trình bày mô tả đặc điểm lâm sàng, cận lâm sàng và bước đầu đánh giá tính an toàn của liệu pháp khí dung dịch nổi môi trường nuôi cấy tế bào gốc trung mô người Stemsup ở bệnh nhân bệnh phổi tắc nghẽn mạn tính. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 65 No. 2 264-270 INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH EVALUATION OF THE SAFETY OF STEMSUP AEROSOL THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTION PULMONARY DISEASE Bui Duc Thanh Nguyen Hai Cong Nguyen Minh The Military Hospital 175 - 786 Nguyen Kiem Ward 3 Go Vap Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Received 20 12 2023 Revised 25 01 2024 Accepted 21 02 2024 ABSTRACT Objective To describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics and initially evaluate the safety of Stemsup aerosol therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Materials and Methods This is an interventional open-label single-group study on 30 patients with COPD groups C and D treated at the Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Department of Military Hospital 175 from 8 2021 - 12 2023. Results 100 of patients were male with an average age of years old. The average mMRC score was . 6MWT is m. The average CAT score was points. The average BODE score is of which BODE III accounts for the highest percentage 40 and the lowest is BODE IV accounting for 10 . The average values of lung ventilation indicators in the studied patients all decreased compared to LLN in which FEV1 LLN decreased significantly LLN . Side effects only occurred in 1 case of increased difficulty breathing accounting for . of patients had a mild and transient increase in CRP after 1 month of Stemsup aerosol therapy. There were no cases of serious complications after using Stemsup. Conclusion Stemsup aerosol therapy in COPD patients was well tolerated without significant serious side effects. This is a promising method for the treatment of COPD patients. Keywords Chronic obstruction pulmonary disease stemsup safety. Corressponding author Email address Nguyen_med@ Phone number 84 982 010 411 https 264 . Cong. Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 65 No. 2 264-270 ĐÁNH GIÁ TÍNH AN TOÀN CỦA