tailieunhanh - Hiring and Keeping the Best People 4

Hiring and Keeping the Best People 4. This book explains the essentials of what managers and business owners need to know about hiring and retaining good employees. | TheH iringProcec s 11 your own department. Its purpose is to confirm that the candidate meets the qualifications stated in the ad or other recruiting material and it can be as short as necessary to accomplish that goal. It is a good opportunity to get some initial impressions of the candidate Does she call you back at the specified time Does she communicate well . r 2. initial in-person Interview. Tty to rnrtow theMd tofout to seven eandtdates before holding tut hit interview will probably last 30 tottO minutes. Foytesodeoruiiding positions yon may find out eoyrythmoyon neodyo know about the candidate in this interview. Otherwise you will need to see the person again. 3. Second interview. Be very selectiveabout whoyttesaiucooO interview. At this point othed peopte oitOa itaOetnthy yrohoer may participate for exarnptt to roporfopotential . . os other intervfowyftnn Ocotnt out more of the real person. Structured versus n osseivtuteo hslcniews In a structured interview you askaOthecondidatet ths siuet- qucs tions so you can compare interviews are used in order to be fair and objective but they may not elicit as much information from the candidates. Unstructtir dmtenneevsareindiv dud conversations that do not necessarily cover all the same questions with every candidate. Insteady rho foilow Ssnos of inquiry tOot appear promising. You may learnmnre -IouIsbo c a diVates t r i th will be more difficult to comparelhelr youmsy mist key information you need inonder do makeanneision. It s probably a good idea to tteeda Oddinprth neOoeen thesn two approaches . be flextOlt sn your Hne t f inquti-y but be sune that all interviewees respondto acone setnC ntynshtt those core questions in can oisurn onorselfaso indecision-making team thao all deypolnti arecovered ontt tOat all candidates respond to them. Thn owsltoctoned nlemnntof Oto 12 HiringandKeepingtheBestPeople interview opens the door to