tailieunhanh - Ảnh hưởng lên tuần hoàn, hô hấp và tác dụng không mong muốn của gây tê tủy sống với các liều ropivacain khác nhau cho phẫu thuật Crossen điều trị sa sinh dục

Bài viết trình bày đánh giá ảnh hưởng lên tuần hoàn, hô hấp và tác dụng không mong muốn của gây tê tủy sống với các liều ropivacain khác nhau cho phẫu thuật Crossen điều trị sa sinh dục. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 64 Special Issue 11 51-57 EFFECTS ON CIRCULATION RESPIRATION AND SIDE EFFECTS OF SPINAL ANESTHESIA WITH DIFFERENT DOSES OF ROPIVACAINE IN CROSSEN SURGERY FOR PROLAPSE ORGAN PELVIS Nguyen Duc Lam1 2 Nguyen Dinh Long3 1 Hanoi Medical University - Ton That Tung Dong Da Hanoi Vietnam 2 Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital - No. 929 La Thanh Street Ngoc Khanh Ba Dinh Hanoi Vietnam 3 National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology - 43 Trang Thi Hoan Kiem Hanoi Vietnam Received 14 09 2023 Revised 06 10 2023 Accepted 04 11 2023 ABSTRACT Objectives To evaluate the analgesia effect of spinal block with different doses of ropivacain for Crossen surgery for prolapse organ pelvis at National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Subjects and research methods The patients were diagnosed with prolapse organ pelvis and were indicated for Crossen surgery. Results The heart rate of the Ropivacain 11 group changed the least in all three study groups. The Ropi 13 group had the largest mean reduction in blood pressure of the three study groups. The amount of intraoperative fluid in the Ropi 13 group was the most statistically significant with p lt . The rate of blood pressure drop of Ropi 11 group was significantly lower than that of Ropi 13 group with p . There was no difference in the rates of nausea - vomiting itching in the 3 groups. Conclusions In over 90 patients with different doses of ropivacaine in combination with 30 mcg of fentanyl for Crossen surgery for genital prolapse the use of ropivacaine 11 mg had little effect on circulation respiration and side effects in the treatment of genital prolapse in three research groups. Keywords Crossen genital prolapse spinal anesthesia ropivacaine. Corressponding author Email address Lamgmhs75@ Phone number 84 904220301 https 51 . Lam . Long Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol. 64 Special Issue 11 51-57 ẢNH HƯỞNG LÊN TUẦN HOÀN