tailieunhanh - Mối liên quan giữa yếu tố di truyền, chủng tộc trong chuyển hóa ethanol có trong đồ uống và các nguy cơ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe ở người

Bài viết phân tích mối liên quan giữa yếu tố di truyền, chủng tộc trong chuyển hóa đồ uống chứa ethanol và các nguy cơ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe ở người. Do đó, việc nghiên cứu tìm hiểu mối liên quan giữa SNPs của các gen này với thói quen uống rượu, bia dẫn đến lạm dụng và các nguy cơ mắc các bệnh liên quan đến ethanol là cần thiết. | VNU Journal of Science Natural Sciences and Technology Vol. 39 No. 2 2023 20-31 Original Article The Association between Genetic and Racial Factors in Ethanol Containing Beverages Metabolism and Health Risks in Human Hoang Thi Thu Yen TNU University of Sciences Tan Thinh Thai Nguyen Vietnam Received 04 June 2020 Revised 08 November 2021 Accepted 23 February 2023 Abstract Ethanol-containing beverages alcoholic beverages are socially acceptable beverages expected to provide refreshment satisfaction and stress relief. Common types of ethanol- containing beverages include wine beer and syrup. According to the World Health Organization alcohol abuse is a risk factor for high mortality and many diseases in humans such as fatty liver hepatomegaly cirrhosis liver cancer larynx cancer nasopharynx cancer stomach and esophageal cancer In humans ethanol is eliminated mainly through metabolism in two ways Oxidative pathway with the participation of enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase ADH aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH cytochrome P450 and catalase non-oxidative pathways involving phospholipase and fatty acid ethyl ester FAEE synthase. Alcohol abuse is believed to be caused by genetic factors ADH ALDH . psychological factors and social factors. Single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs in genes encoding enzymes involved in ethanol metabolism helped explain why certain ethnic groups and individuals have higher or lower ethanol-related health risks and the development of alcohol abuse syndrome. In Vietnam using ethanol-containing beverages is a habit imbued with traditional culture. At the same time wine and beer abuse is already a problem and causes many serious consequences for public health family happiness and social safety. Meanwhile the concept that drinking alcohol helps relieve nervous tension is common many people still feel subjectively drinking alcohol to be healthier. Some studies have shown differences inSNPs of gene encoding-enzymes involved in ethanol metabolism in Vietnamese. .