tailieunhanh - Ebook Product and Brand Management: Part 2

Ebook Product and Brand Management: Part 2 presents the following content: Brand and Brand Management; Brand Equity; Strategic Brand Management Process; Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning; Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing Programs; Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance; .Please refer to the documentation for more details. | Product and Brand Management Hitesh Jhanji Lovely Professional University Notes Unit 7 Brand and Brand Management CONTENTS Objectives Introduction Concept of Brand What is a Brand Evolution of Brands Characteristics of Brands Brand Management Selecting a Brand Name Branding Challenges and Opportunities What is Branding Branding Challenges Summary Keywords Review Questions Further Readings Objectives After studying this unit you will be able to Explain the Concept of Brand Discuss the Evolution of Brands Identify the Characteristics of Brands Describe the Brand Management Provide insight in to Branding Challenges and Opportunities Introduction Brands have been around for many years. They existed silently. Managers thought about branding once the product was developed priced and packaged. Branding was an after decision-not much significant for the marketers who felt that the product was more important. The tangible aspects caught more attention. Branding meant passively assigning names to pre-manufactured products. But in the last two decades the brands have got out of their slumber. They are the hot spots in total marketing process. Among the manager s chief concerns brands reign at the top. Brands are not universally acknowledged as drivers of financial performance of a company. Not any more are they cynosures of marketing people they constantly figure in financial strategy and valuations. When brands are so important branding becomes even more important. The star brands which rule the roost in the global markets are the objects of desire for marketers who still lack powerful brands. Brands like Marlboro Sony Kodak Coca Cola BMW leave the 146 LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY Unit 7 Brand and Brand Management managers drooling. These brands are outcomes of careful and well crafted branding strategies. Notes To achieve this end the managers need to approach branding cautiously and with dedication. But the .