tailieunhanh - Thực trạng quản lý người bệnh đái tháo đường typ 2 tại phòng khám đa khoa khu vực Minh Quang, huyện Ba Vì, TP Hà Nội năm 2022

Bài viết Thực trạng quản lý người bệnh đái tháo đường typ 2 tại phòng khám đa khoa khu vực Minh Quang, huyện Ba Vì, TP Hà Nội năm 2022 trình bày mô tả thực trạng quản lý đái tháo đường týp 2 tại Phòng khám đa khoa khu vực Minh Quang, huyện Ba Vì, TP Hà Nội năm 2022; Phân tích một số yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quản lý điều trị ngoại trú bệnh nhân mắc bệnh đái tháo đường týp 2 tại phòng khám đa khoa khu vực Minh Quang, huyện Ba Vì, TP Hà Nội. | Vietnam Journal of Community Medicine Vol 64 Special Issue 2023 24-33 INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH SITUATION OF MANAGEMENT OF PERSONS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES AT MINH QUANG AREA BA VI DISTRICT HANOI IN 2022 Nguyen Ba Minh1 Chu Van Thang2 Tran Thi Nhi Ha3 Chu Van Thanh3 1 Ba Vi medical Center - Tay Dang Ba Vi Hanoi Vietnam 2 Hanoi Medical University - No 01 Ton That Tung Dong Da Hanoi Vietnam 3 Hanoi Health Department - No 04 Son Tay Ba Dinh Hanoi Vietnam Received 10 03 2023 Revised 10 04 2023 Accepted 06 05 2023 ABSTRACT Objective The objective of this study is to provide a description of the current situation of outpatient management of patients with type 2 diabetes at Minh Quang area general clinic Ba Vi district Hanoi in 2022 Research subjects and methods A cross-sectional descriptive study to describe the current situation of outpatient management of 206 patients with type 2 diabetes at Minh Quang regional general clinic Ba Vi district Hanoi in 2022. Results Overall the rate of patients with type 2 diabetes who were managed and treated satisfactorily was . Specifically of patients with diabetes were reminded by health workers and recorded the time of follow-up examination in the monitoring book the rate of patients receiving correct sufficient and all medication treatment was shallow at . The rate of patients being monitored for diabetes drug treatment was was tested for blood glucose at each follow-up visit was and re-evaluated risk factors for hyperglycemia was The proportion of patients who received advice from health workers about diabetes treatment regimens was . The proportion of patients who have ever been transferred to a higher level for treatment is . Conclusion In order to competently manage the outpatient treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes it is necessary to ensure medical staff facilities and equipment of the clinic therapeutic drugs policy mechanisms and from patients. Keywords Management of .