tailieunhanh - Lecture Web technology and online services: Lesson 11 - AJAX

Lecture "Web Technology and online services: Lesson 11 - AJAX" provide students with knowledge about: Characteristics of Conventional Web; Issues of Conventional Web Application; Web Applications; Rich Internet Application (RIA); . Please refer to the detailed content of the lecture! | IT4409 Web Technologies and e-Services Lec 11 AJAX 1 Objectives . 2 Outline 1. . . 2. . 3 Characteristics of Conventional Web Application Click wait and refresh user interaction Page refreshes from the server needed for all events data submissions and navigation The user must wait for the response Synchronous request response communication model Browser always initiates the request 4 Issues of Conventional Web Application Slow response Loss of operation context during refresh Excessive server load and bandwidth consumption Lack of two-way real-time communication capability for server-initiated updates These are the reasons why Rich Internet Application RIA technologies were born. 5 Web Applications 6 Web Definition Web is the network as platform spanning all connected devices Web applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it consuming and remixing data from multiple sources including individual users while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others creating network effects through an quot architecture of participation quot and going beyond the page metaphor of Web to deliver rich user experiences. Tim O Reilly Web Compact Definition 7 What Makes the Web Different Personalized User oriented Easy to Use Get you to the information you want Useful You can add more. 8 Rich Internet Application RIA Technologies Macromedia Flash Java Web Start Dynamic HTML JavaScript DOM CSS DHTML No asynchronous communication full page refresh still required AJAX 9 Browser wars https wiki Browser_wars competition for dominance in the usage share of web browsers. The First Browser War during the late 1990s pitted Microsoft s Internet Explorer against Netscape s Navigator. Browser wars continued with the decline of Internet Explorer s market share and the popularity of other .