tailieunhanh - Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng: Phần 1

Cuốn sách “Các bài luận Tiếng Anh thông dụng” được biên soạn nhằm giúp các thí sinh làm tốt bài thi môn Viết trong các kỳ thi tiếng Anh, đang luyện thi IELTS hoặc chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi chứng chỉ quốc gia cấp độ A, B, C với những đề tài phong phú thường gặp trong các bài thi cũng như được sắp xếp cẩn thận theo từng cấp độ. Nội dung sách được chia thành 2 phần ebook, mời các bạn cùng tham khảo phần 1 sau đây. | C K .0 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 1 2 IM NH NH T n U 0 N G 1 CAC BAl LUAN A THONG DUNG COMMONLY USED ENGLISH ESSAY g r im i p ic nhA XUAT BAN T l D I N bach khoa Tron Bo SGK https C ac bai luan tieng Anh thong dung C O M M O N L Y U S E D E N G L IS H E S S A Y Download Ebook Tai https Tron Bo SGK https CAC BAI LUAN TIENG ANH THONG DUNG NHA XUAT BAN TU quot DIEN BACH KHOA Download Ebook Tai https Tron Bo SGK https Commonly used English essay 1. THINGS I LIKE TO DO I have many interests. T he activities I spend m ost of my leisure on however are reading jogging and painting. I enjoy reading very much. I read widely ranging from fairy tales to non-fiction books on outer space and nature. Reading helps to widen my general knowledge and improves my writing skill. T herefore my parents think well of my hobby and often buy me books that I can not find in the library. W hen my eyes get tired from reading too much I would go for a slow jog with my dog in the park near my house. Jogging regularly m akes on e healthier. I have also made a few friends among the regular joggers in the park. Som etim es instead of jogging I would stroll in the park carrying with me Thy painting equipment. I love to capture beautiful things on paper. I have taken arts lesson since I was nine and I am especially good at w ater-colour painting. Besides painting pictures of the park I also like to draw portrait of my family m em bers. All my interests are funny and useful pastim es. I believe that everyone should spend their time on som e useful hobbies rather than laze precious time away. Download Ebook Tai https Tron Bo SGK https C a c bAi Iuan TitNq a n Ih t onc duNQ 1. non-fiction n sach bai uiet . ue n h u n g s u viec co th a t 2. to stroll v d i dao tan bo 3. to capture v th a n h c o n g t r o n g uiec th e h ie n ai cai gi t r o n g m o t buc a n h bo p h im .