The ultrasonic transducer behaves as a ‘speaker’ in send mode (from 40 to 50 kHz). The electronics of the ultrasonic transducer produces electrical pulses to set the piezoceramic element in motion (conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy). The piezoceramic element is located on the inside of the outer diaphragm. The outer diaphragm vibrates in line with the resonance frequency and produces ultrasonic waves. The short pulse sequences hit an obstacle and are bounced back (reflected). Receive Mode The ultrasonic transducer behaves as a ‘microphone’ in receive mode. After the outer diaphragm has settled (~ 1 ms),. | June 2004 LAMP-TR-113 CAR-TR-997 CS-TR-4596 UMIACS-TR-2004-39 USE OF MINIMAL LEXICAL CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURES FOR SINGLE-DOCUMENT SUMMARIZATION Bonnie J. Dorr Nizar Y. Habash and Christof Monz Institute for Advanced Computer Studies University of Maryland College Park MD 20742-3275 bonnie habash christof @ Abstract This reports provides an overview of the findings and software that have evolved from the Use of Minimal Lexical Conceptual Structures for Single-Document Summarization project over the last six months. We present the major goals that have been achieved and discuss some of the open issues that we intend to address in the near future. This report also contains some details on the usage of some software that has been implemented during the project. Keywords Machine Translation Document Summarization The support of this research by the Department of Defense under the contract ITIC extension to NSF ITR Grant IIS-0326553 is gratefully acknowledged. 1 PARTICIPANTS PI Bonnie Dorr University of Maryland UMCP bonnie@ OTHER SENIOR PERSONNEL . Co-PIs Richard Schwartz BBN Technologies schwartz@ POSTDOCS Nizar Habash University of Maryland habash@ Christof Monz University of Maryland christof@ STUDENTS Stacy President University of Maryland stacypre@ Nathaniel Waisbrot University of Maryland waisbrot@ David Zajic University of Maryland dmzajic@ PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS THAT HAVE PROVIDED RESOURCES OR COLLABORATED ON RESEARCH Richard Schwartz BBN Technologies 2 COLLABORATIONS BROADLY CONCEIVED Presentations by Bonnie Dorr to Georgetown on the use of linguistic information in hybrid statistical symbolic tasks summarization machine translation divergence unraveling . 3 PROJECT FINDINGS 1. We have shown the effectiveness of combining sentence compression and topic lists to construct informative summaries. 2. We carried out experiments were three approaches to automatic
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