tailieunhanh - Ebook Variational analysis and aerospace engineering: Part 2

Ebook Variational analysis and aerospace engineering: Part 2 presents the following content: Lekhnitskii’s Formalism for Stress Concentrations Around Irregularities in Anisotropic Plates: Solutions for Arbitrary Boundary Conditions; Best Initial Conditions for the Rendezvous Maneuver; Commercial Aircraft Design for Reduced Noise and Environmental Impact; .Please refer to the documentation for more details. | For More Visit Chapter 14 Lekhnitskii s Formalism for Stress Concentrations Around Irregularities in Anisotropic Plates Solutions for Arbitrary Boundary Conditions Sotiris Koussios and Adriaan Beukers Abstract Considering analytical methods in anisotropic elasticity the complex potentials method as extensively formulated by Lekhnitskii may be regarded as a powerful tool. Among the various solutions generated by this approach the anal- ysis of thin anisotropic plates containing a geometrically simple irregularity is the most classical one as it reflects on an extensive collection of structures from pin- loaded holes to cutouts in aircraft fuselages. In this chapter we outline the complete solution for this particular geometry where the boundary conditions on the edge of the irregularity forces or displacements are formulated in Fourier series. The analytical solutions provided here can directly be evaluated as a function of the ex- ternal boundary loads and the coefficients in the Fourier series which represent the boundary conditions at the edge of the irregularity. Therefore the analytical solu- tions provided here are able to cover a large variety of structural problems. Although Lekhnitskii s formalism may be regarded as a well-established solution procedure the availability of engineering-oriented directly implementable solutions is rather limited. In this chapter we attempt to fill this gap. Introduction Classical engineering problems can usually be formulated as a partial differen- tial equation PDE with appropriate boundary conditions ensuring existence and uniqueness for the derived solution. Sotiris Koussios Delft University of Technology Kluyverweg 1 2629 HS Delft The Netherlands e-mail Adriann Beukers Delft University of Technology Kluyverweg 1 2629 HS Delft The Netherlands e-mail G. Buttazzo A. Frediani eds. Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering 243 Springer Optimization and