tailieunhanh - Gas Sensors - Edited by Sher Bahadar Khan

Gas Sensors presents the following content: Metal Oxide Gas Sensors by Nanostructures; Application of Knudsen Force for Development of Modern Micro Gas Sensors; Optical Gas Sensors Using Terahertz Waves in the Layered Media; A Review on Preparation of ZnO Nanorods and Their Use in Ethanol Vapors Sensing; . | Gas Sensors Edited by Sher Bahadar Khan Abdullah M. Asiri and Kalsoom Akhtar Gas Sensors Edited by Sher Bahadar Khan Abdullah M. Asiri and Kalsoom Akhtar Published in London United Kingdom Supporting open minds since 2005 Gas Sensors http Edited by Sher Bahadar Khan Abdullah M. Asiri and Kalsoom Akhtar Contributors Rakesh Kumar Sonker Saroj Radheyshyam Rahul Johari Bc Yadav Mostafa BarzegarGerdroodbary Fatma SARF Ja-Yu Lu Borwen You Musarrat Jabeen R Vasant Kumar Mohamad Ayad Nagy Torad Nazar Shah Majeed Gul Murrawat Abbas Muhammad Amin The Editor s and the Author s 2020 The rights of the editor s and the author s have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights to the book as a whole are reserved by INTECHOPEN LIMITED. The book as a whole compilation cannot be reproduced distributed or used for commercial or non-commercial purposes without INTECHOPEN LIMITED s written permission. Enquiries concerning the use of the book should be directed to INTECHOPEN LIMITED rights and permissions department permissions@ . Violations are liable to prosecution under the governing Copyright Law. Individual chapters of this publication are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Unported License which permits commercial use distribution and reproduction of the individual chapters provided the original author s and source publication are appropriately acknowledged. If so indicated certain images may not be included under the Creative Commons license. In such cases users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. More details and guidelines concerning content reuse and adaptation can be found at http . Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for