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Convert - Designing Websites to Increase Traffic and Conversion Part 6

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Mục đích của bài tập này chỉ đơn giản là để hình dung trang web của bạn bị rò rỉ hầu hết các du khách. Nó làm cho tinh thần để bắt đầu quá trình tối ưu hóa của bạn với sửa chữa các chỗ rò rỉ lớn nhất, trước khi bạn có thể di chuyển để cải tiến tiến bộ. | SELF-INTEREST I 135 For example in Figure 7-7 we simply changed a few small elements to the page on SkinnerInc.com that explains to potential sellers how they can sell through Skinner to be more relevant to the seller and instantly generated a 213 increase in downloads of the evaluation form. u We changed the heading Selling at Auction to Consigning to Auction is Easy with Skinner. Easy is a benefit and the change of focus helps make the process feel less remote. u We switched the two photos showing people s backs to a single photo showing an expert doing an evaluation which feels more accessible and human. u We changed the lower heading from Determining Auction Estimates and the Appropriate Auction s for Your Property to How we Evaluate your Property which is easier to understand. u Finally we added an extra call to action button for Get a Free Evaluation Today. The combined effect of these small changes is to help the reader believe that it is easy to go down the offered route. FIGURE 7-7 A few simple changes to this page generated a massive 213 increase in conversions. 136 I CHAPTER 7 GET THEIR ATTENTION Promise to Solve a Problem What specific need does your offering propose to solve Addressing that need directly and offering the promise of a solution will speak to the prospect s immediate concern and trigger an emotional response. If the benefit is saving time focus your whole appeal around that. If the need is to save money reduce stress cure an ailment avoid fines or reduce risks let your entire message resonate clearly on the specific solution. The headline in Figure 7-8 tells the visitor exactly what they can do on this site and promises a specific result. FIGURE 7-8 This home page headline makes a strong promise. Benefits Whatever the proposition it is benefits not features that hook visitors attention. Benefits fall into a few broad categories including financial gain saving time increasing personal attractiveness having fun improving self-esteem or .