tailieunhanh - Convert - Designing Websites to Increase Traffic and Conversion Part 7

Đây không phải là luôn luôn là một quá trình nhanh chóng, và họ có thể mất thời gian hơn để đi đến một quyết định. Họ có thể cần phải lặp đi lặp lại thông điệp tích cực đảm bảo cho nhu cầu của họ để kết nối cá nhân. phải lựa chọn. | AFFIRM THE POSITIVE SIGNS I 167 unlikely to feel connected enough with the proposition. Strong-I prospects are more influenced by compelling positive messages. u With strong-S types understanding and sympathy are key to generating the trust they need to commit. This is not always a quick process and they are likely to take more time to come to a decision. They are likely to need repeated positive messages that reassure their need for personal connection. u Strong-C types need to get all the facts in order to know they are making the right choice. They need more details and evidence about the quality and performance of what they are investing in. This can also take longer than with other types. They often need to see the most detailed information and value facts and evidence over emotion. u Strong-D people are outgoing and action-oriented like I types and also interested in competency like C-types. They want action and the promise of results. Like strong-I types they want positive confidence-inspiring messages but will respond better to bold action-oriented language than emotive personal language. HOW TO COMMUNICATE TO DIFFERENT TYPES In general strong-D and strong-I personality types require less information. If they get excited about the possibilities they are likely to commit. Strong-S and strong-C types need more information in order to trust the proposition. None of these approaches is any better worse or more or less effective. The key point is that some personalities need more information whereas others can be converted with less. This is why long copy has traditionally outperformed short copy. It makes it easier to give everyone enough information. The same goes for your web site. Saying too little is riskier than saying too much. You should present all the arguments reasons and facts. You should also consider content that speaks to the needs of each personality type u Dominance State that you have all the expertise required to deliver results that you are .