tailieunhanh - Convert - Designing Websites to Increase Traffic and Conversion Part 5

Nhiệm vụ tiếp theo là bản đồ ra dòng chảy thực tế của giao thông thông qua các trang chính của bạn vào các mục tiêu chính của bạn, nhìn vào ba loại hành vi người truy cập: Căn cứ để ưu bước tiếp theo dự định Đi một nơi nào đó khác trên trang web của bạn ưu thoái ưu trang web. | STEP TWO ANALYZING YOUR FUNNELS I 103 funnels. In the meantime simply look at the exit rates for key pages as an indicator of where people are leaving the site. FIGURE 6-5 Viewing a Google Analytics report in the context of a goal Step Two Analyzing Your Funnels The next task is to map out the actual flow of traffic through your main pages to your main goals looking at three categories of visitor behavior u Proceeding to the next intended step u Going somewhere else on your site u Quitting the site The purpose of this exercise is simply to visualize where your site is leaking the most visitors. It makes sense to start your optimization process with fixing the biggest leaks before you can move on to progressive refinements. Measuring Your Conversion Rate Once you have identified one or more goals you will be able to measure your starting conversion rate CR . If you have configured a goal in Google Analytics you will also be able to view the CR for that goal graphically as shown in Figure 6-6 including changes in conversion rate over time. NOTE If you have not set up goals in Analytics you can still figure out your conversion rates for each goal simply by dividing the number of times each goal was reached in a particular period by the number of relevant visits to your web site in that period. 104 I CHAPTER 6 MAKING YOUR SITE SELL FIGURE 6-6 The Analytics report for a single goal Knowing your conversion rate may be interesting but it does not usually give you actionable information. If your conversion rate goes up or down you need to know why and at what steps the leaks are occurring. The overall conversion rate of a funnel is a high-level indication of its effectiveness but in order to optimize you need to break the process down into more detail which is where funnels come in. Attrition Rate At every step through a funnel some of the visitors who entered the funnel will leak away. The number of visitors who successfully move forward can only diminish with each step.