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Enhancing management measures on students self study activities at Thai Nguyen university of sciences

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

This study indentified the performance of the self-study activities of students in terms of: students' awareness on self-study, study skills, services for self-study, teaching method and administration. Specially, it aimed to find out the factors both externally and internally that may affect the activities of students' self-study. | Enhancing management measures on students self study activities at Thai Nguyen university of sciences ISSN: 1859-2171 TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 33 - 40 e-ISSN: 2615-9562 ENHANCING MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON STUDENTS' SELF- STUDY ACTIVITIES AT THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCES Phi Dinh Khuong*, Lam Thuy Duong TNU - University of Sciences ABSTRACT This study indentified the performance of the self-study activities of students in terms of: students' awareness on self-study, study skills, services for self-study, teaching method and administration. Specially, it aimed to find out the factors both externally and internally that may affect the activities of students' self-study; to find out the relationship between self-study activities and factors affecting the self-study activities; to identify the different management measures of self-study activities; to assess the necessity and feasibility of the management measures for self-study activities; to develop a management measures for students self-study activities based from its necessity and feasibility. It is designed to help determine the extent to which different variables are related to each other in the population of interest. The study would provide leaders with a clear idea on how effective and successful they should have in the work as management of self-study in university. Keywords: Self-study activities; management of self- study; management measures of self-study activities; characteristics of students' self-study activities; the nature of management of self-study activities. Received: 22/8/2019; Revised: 23/9/2019; Published: 30/9/2019 NÂNG CAO BIỆN PHÁP QUẢN LÝ HOẠT ĐỘNG TỰ HỌC CỦA SINH VIÊN TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KHOA HỌC - ĐẠI HỌC THÁI NGUYÊN Phí Đình Khương*, Lâm Thùy Dương Trường Đại học Khoa học - ĐH Thái Nguyên TÓM TẮT Nghiên cứu đã xác định được thực trạng của hoạt động tự học của sinh viên về các phương diện: nhận .