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Creative Photoshop CS4 Digital Illustration and Art Techniques - phần 6

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Trở về tập tin scan5.jpg. Vẽ một lựa chọn Lasso dựa trên các nét cọ nhỏ khô ở góc trái phía trên. Sao chép nó và quay trở lại tập tin làm việc. Dán này thành một kênh alpha mới. Load một lựa chọn từ kênh, trong khi lựa chọn được kích hoạt, tạo ra một lớp màu mới vững chắc. Lần này, chỉ được tô màu tím. | Part Three Real World Photoshop 31 Return to the scan5.jpg file. Draw a lasso-based selection around the small dry brush stroke in the upper left-hand corner. Copy it and return to the working file. Paste this into a new alpha channel. Load a selection from the channel and while the selection is active create a new solid color layer. This time specify a purple fill. Drag this layer up above all of the other fill color layers in the Layers palette so that it resides directly beneath the sketch layer. Use Free-Transform to adjust the size rotation and positioning of the stroke so that it is similar to that which is shown here. Stacking and blending layers By duplicating layers and varying blending modes you can enhance and brighten specific image components. 1 Change the blending mode of the current layer to linear burn. Don t be alarmed just yet. We ll improve upon this right now. Duplicate the layer and then change the blending mode of the duplicate to hard light. There that s better. Now duplicate the layer again and select the Move tool. 2 Use the Move tool to move the contents of the newly duplicated layer up and toward the right of the canvas creating an offset effect. Now duplicate this layer and then double-click on the newly duplicated layer s thumbnail to access the picker. Change the layer s fill color to orange. 3 Change the blending mode of the layer to multiply and move it down and to the right with the Move tool. Duplicate this layer and then move it up and to the left a little. And finally duplicate this layer and use Free-Transform to scale it down and move it over near the eye at the right of the canvas. 208 Chapter 12 Sketch and Dry Brush Effects PART SEVEN Adding painted wispy clouds 32 For the sake of order select all of the dry brush solid color layers in the Layers palette and group them. Name the group something appropriate. Next open up the scan6.jpg file. The initial procedure here is exactly like what you did previously with the dry brush .