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Beginning PHP 6, Apache, MySQL 6 Web Development

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Offering a step-by-step walk through understanding the three key open source technologies that form the basis for most active web servers, this book demonstrates how to quickly create a professional-looking, functional site using Apache Web server, the MySQL database system, and the PHP scripting language. You’ll take an in-depth look at why the combination of PHP, MySQL, and Apache has become so popular: flawless interaction, flexibility, customization, and cost, as well as their ability to run on both Linux and Windows servers | Wrox Programmer to Programmer Beginning PHP6 Apache MySQL Web Development Timothy Boronczyk Elizabeth Naramore Jason Gerner Yann Le Scouarnec Jeremy Stolz Michael K. Glass Updates source code and Wrox technical support at www.wrox.com www.it-ebooks.info TM Programmer to Programmer Get more out of WROX.com Interact Take an active role online by participating in our P2P forums Wrox Online Library Hundreds of our books are available online through Books24x7.com Wrox Blox Download short informational pieces and code to keep you up to date and out of trouble Chapters on Demand Purchase individual book chapters in pdf format Join the Community Sign up for our free monthly newsletter at newsletter.wrox.com Browse Ready for more Wrox We have books and e-books available on .NET SQL Server Java XML Visual Basic C C and much more Contact Us. We always like to get feedback from our readers. Have a book idea Need community support Let us know by e-mailing wrox-partnerwithus@wrox.com www.it-ebooks.info Beginning PHP6 Apache MySQL Web Development Introduction.xxiii Part I Movie Review Web Site Chapter 1 Configuring Your Installation.3 Chapter 2 Creating PHP Pages Using PHP6.19 Chapter 3 Using PHP with MySQL.77 Chapter 4 Using Tables to Display Data.105 Chapter 5 Form Elements Letting the User Work with Data.131 Chapter 6 Letting the User Edit the Database.153 Chapter 7 Manipulating and Creating Images with PHP.175 Chapter 8 Validating User Input.217 Chapter 9 Handling and Avoiding Errors.241 Part II Comic Book Fan Site Chapter 10 Building Databases.263 Chapter 11 Sending E-mail.315 Chapter 12 User Logins Profiles and Personalization.355 Chapter 13 Building a Content Management System.407 Chapter 14 Mailing Lists.469 Chapter 15 Online Stores.505 Chapter 16 Creating a Bulletin Board System.557 Chapter 17 Using Log Files to Improve Your Site.627 Chapter 18 Troubleshooting.641 Appendix A Answers to Exercises.649 Appendix B PHP Quick Reference.685 continued .