tailieunhanh - Beginning VB 2008 Databases From Novice to Professional phần 6

Như bạn có thể nhìn thấy từ các không gian tên, có thể làm việc với các công nghệ cũ hơn như OLE DB và ODBC. Tuy nhiên, SQL Server cung cấp dữ liệu liên lạc trực tiếp với SQL Server mà không cần thêm một OLE DB hoặc ODBC lớp, do đó, nó là hình thức hiệu quả nhất của kết nối. | Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http CHAPTER 11 EXECUTING COMMANDS 191 create connection Dim conn As SqlConnection New SqlConnection _ Data Source . sqlexpress _ Integrated Security True _ database northwind create command with both text and connection Dim sql As String select count from employees Dim cmd As SqlCommand New SqlCommand sql conn Command created and connected. Try Open connection execute query Number of Employees is 0 Catch ex As SqlException ex Finally Close connection Connection closed. End Try End Sub End Module 3. Make CommandScalar the startup project and then run it by pressing Ctrl F5. You should see the results in Figure 11-4. Figure 11-4. Executing a scalar command Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http 192 CHAPTER 11 EXECUTING COMMANDS How It Works All you do is add a call to ExecuteScalar within a call to WriteLine execute query Number of Employees is 0 _ ExecuteScalar takes the CommandText property and sends it to the database using the command s Connection property. It returns the result 9 as a single object which you display with . This is pretty simple to follow but it s worth noting this is simpler than usual because takes any kind of object as its input. In fact ExecuteScalar s return type is object the base class of all types in the .NET Framework which makes perfect sense when you remember that a database can hold any type of data. So if you want to assign the returned object to a variable of a specific type Integer for example you must cast the object to the specific type. If the types aren t compatible the system will generate a runtime error that indicates an invalid cast. The following is an example that demonstrates this idea. In it you store the result from ExecuteScalar in the .