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THE VALLEY OF THE MOON JACK LONDON BOOK 2 CHAPTER 19 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | THE VALLEY OF THE MOON JACK LONDON BOOK 2 CHAPTER 19 Between feeding and caring for Billy doing the housework making plans and selling her store of pretty needlework the days flew happily for Saxon. Billy s consent to sell her pretties had been hard to get but at last she succeeded in coaxing it out of him. It s only the ones I haven t used she urged and I can always make more when we get settled somewhere. What she did not sell along with the household linen and hers and Billy s spare clothing she arranged to store with Tom. Go ahead Billy said. This is your picnic. What you say goes. You re Robinson Crusoe an I m your man Friday. Make up your mind yet which way you re goin to travel Saxon shook her head. Or how She held up one foot and then the other encased in stout walking shoes which she had begun that morning to break in about the house. Shank s mare eh It s the way our people came into the West she said proudly. It ll be regular trampin though he argued. An I never heard of a woman tramp. Then here s one. Why Billy there s no shame in tramping. My mother tramped most of the way across the Plains. And most everybody else s mother tramped across in those days. I don t care what people will think. I guess our race has been on the tramp since the beginning of creation just like we ll be looking for a piece of land that looked good to settle down on. After a few days when his scalp was sufficiently healed and the bone-knitting was nicely in process Billy was able to be up and about. He was still quite helpless however with both his arms in splints. Doctor Hentley not only agreed but himself suggested that his bill should wait against better times for settlement. Of government land in response to Saxon s eager questioning he knew nothing except that he had a hazy idea that the days of government land were over. Tom on the contrary was confident that there was plenty of government hand. He talked of Honey Lake of Shasta County and of Humboldt. But you can t tackle