THE VALLEY OF THE MOON JACK LONDON BOOK 2 CHAPTER 2 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | THE VALLEY OF THE MOON JACK LONDON BOOK 2 CHAPTER 2 Despite the fastidiousness of her housekeeping Saxon once she had systematized it found time and to spare on her hands. Especially during the periods in which her husband carried his lunch and there was no midday meal to prepare she had a number of hours each day to herself. Trained for years to the routine of factory and laundry work she could not abide this unaccustomed idleness. She could not bear to sit and do nothing while she could not pay calls on her girlhood friends for they still worked in factory and laundry. Nor was she acquainted with the wives of the neighborhood save for one strange old woman who lived in the house next door and with whom Saxon had exchanged snatches of conversation over the backyard division fence. One time-consuming diversion of which Saxon took advantage was free and unlimited baths. In the orphan asylum and in Sarah s house she had been used to but one bath a week. As she grew to womanhood she had attempted more frequent baths. But the effort proved disastrous arousing first Sarah s derision and next her wrath. Sarah had crystallized in the era of the weekly Saturday night bath and any increase in this cleansing function was regarded by her as putting on airs and as an insinuation against her own cleanliness. Also it was an extravagant misuse of fuel and occasioned extra towels in the family wash. But now in Billy s house with her own stove her own tub and towels and soap and no one to say her nay Saxon was guilty of a daily orgy. True it was only a common washtub that she placed on the kitchen floor and filled by hand but it was a luxury that had taken her twenty-four years to achieve. It was from the strange woman next door that Saxon received a hint dropped in casual conversation of what proved the culminating joy of bathing. A simple thing--a few drops of druggist s ammonia in the water but Saxon had never heard of it before. She was destined to learn much from the strange .