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Business Letters for Busy People part 29

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'business letters for busy people part 29', ngoại ngữ, anh văn thương mại phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Business Letters for Busy People reference request 138 rejecting a request 188 rejection of a solicited application 170 rejection of an in-house job applicant 168 rejection of an unsolicited application 169 rejection of application 165 rejection of unsolicited business 181 request for employment reference 158 request for information 183 request for material 182 request for meeting 140 requesting appointment 147 response to job offer 157 responses to rejected job application 166 solicited application 151 thanks for interview 143 unsolicited application 144 148 waiver of confidentiality 139 encouragement letter 81 explaining policy and position 80 expression of appreciation 98 extremely delinquent reply 44 F federal state and local government officials 249-251 file number 10 final notice ultimatum 29 following up on a complaint 195 follow-up after a sale 79 follow-up after not getting the job 167 follow-up on letter sent 42 follow-up on project 235 format business letter 15-22 block 17 hanging indented 21 memo 22 modified block 18 modified semi-block 19 simplified 20 268 Index G general apology 200 general appreciation 193 giving information 185 goodwill letters 63-84 acknowledging an accomplishment 75-78 adjustment 83 announcing new fringe benefits 82 appreciation 66 congratulations 71-73 encouragement 81 explaining policy and position 80 follow-up after a sale 79 invitation formal 69 invitation informal 70 official anniversary 67 recognizing a suggestion 65 speech 68 thanks for good work outside vendor 74 grant request letter 94 H hanging indented letter 21 holiday greetings 112 205 I illness hospital 115 inquiry 27 118 inside address 10 insufficient funds 30 interview confirmation 142 introducing a new employee 189 introduction letter 41 163 invitation 243 invitation for an interview 171 invitation to serve 95 invitation to speak 102 invitation formal 69 invitation informal 70 269 Business Letters for Busy People J job acceptance 152 job application 149 job hunter