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Drying of agaricus bisporus mushroom in solar-biogas hybrid dryer

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

The button mushroom was dried from moisture content of 91% (wb) to 8.257 % (wb) in 11 hours with average solar radiations availability of 560 W/m2 and biogas consumption of 700 L. Average 50.87 °C, 50.09 °C, 49.22 °C, and 48.26 °C temperature was maintained throughout drying period in tray 1, tray2, tray3, and tray 4 respectively. Tray 1 was bottom tray of the dryer, tray 2 was 2nd tray from the bottom; tray 3 was 3rd tray from bottom whereas tray 4 was top tray of dryer. | Drying of agaricus bisporus mushroom in solar-biogas hybrid dryer