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Windows in a Window

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Windows in a Window The problem with Boot Camp is that every time you switch to or from Windows, you have to close down everything you were working on and restart the computer | 8.2. Windows in a Window The problem with Boot Camp is that every time you switch to or from Windows you have to close down everything you were working on and restart the computer and reverse the process when you re done. You lose two or three minutes each way. And you can t copy and paste between Mac and Windows programs. There is another way an 80 utility called Parallels Workstation for Mac OS X www.parallels.com and its rival VMWare Fusion www.vmware.com . These programs let you run Windows and Mac OS Xsimultaneously Windows hangs out in a window of its own while the Mac is running Mac OS X Figure 8-4 . It s something like the old dog-slow emulation software known as Microsoft VirtualPC with one key difference speed. You re getting about 90 percent of Boot Camp s Windows speed not fast enough for 3-D games but plenty fast for just about everything else. UP TO SPEED Removing Windows Maybe you re a switcher who held onto Windows because you were worried that you d need it. Maybe you re finished with the project the job or the phase of life that required you to use Windows on your Mac. But one way or another there may come a time when you want to get rid of your Windows installation and reclaim all the hard drive space it was using. Not only can you do that but the process won t touch anything that s already on the Mac side. You won t have to erase your entire hard drive or anything Leopard simply erases what s on the Windows partition of your hard drive and then adds that disk space back to your main Mac partition. To do this start by making sure you ve rescued anything worth saving from the Windows side of your computer it s about to be erased. Start up in Mac OS X quit all open programs and make sure nobody s logged in but you. Now open up the Boot Camp Assistant program in your Applications Utilities folder. On the welcome screen click Restore the startup disk to a single volume and then click Continue. That s all there is to it. Special notes for special .