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PHP Application Development With ADODB (part 2)

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Tham khảo sách 'php application development with adodb (part 2)', công nghệ thông tin, quản trị web phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | PART TWO By icarus This article copyright Melonfire 2000-2002. All rights reserved. PHP Application Development With ADODB part 2 Table of Contents Moving On.1 Rapid Execution.2 A Fear Of Commitment.4 Cache Cow.6 What s On The Menu .9 A Rose By Any Other Name.11 The Final Countdown.15 i Moving On In the first part of this article I introduced you to the ADODB database abstraction library and showed you a little of how it works. I demonstrated how using it in your PHP application development could substantially reduce the time spent on code rewrites if your RDBMS decided to change shape and also gave you a crash course in the basic functions built into the library. Fortunately that isn t all she wrote. ADODB comes with a whole bunch of bells and whistles which allow you to do some fairly nifty new things in your PHP scripts. Over the next few pages I ll be showing you some of them - so flip the page and let s get started Moving On Developer Shed