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Ebook Organic chemistry (11th edition): Part 1

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

(BQ) Part 1 book "Organic chemistry" presents the following contents: The basics-bonding and molecular structure; families of carbon compounds-functional groups, intermolecular forces, and infrared (IR) spectroscopy; acids and bases-an introduction to organic reactions and their mechanisms; nomenclature and conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes; radical reactions;. | 11e This page intentionally left blank Periodic Table of the Elements 1 IA 18 VIIIA 1 H Hydrogen 1.0079 2 IIA Atomic number Symbol Name IUPAC 6 C Carbon IUPAC recommendations Chemical Abstracts Service group notation 13 IIIA 14 IVA 15 VA 16 VIA 17 VIIA 2 He Helium 4.0026 3 LI Lithium 6.941 4 Be Berylium 9.0122 Atomic mass 12.011 5 B Boron 10.811 6 C Carbon 12.011 7 N Nitrogen 14.007 8 O Oxygen 15.999 9 F Fluorine 18.998 10 Ne Neon 20.180 11 Na Sodium 22 990 12 Mg Magnesium 24.305 3 IIIB 4 IVB 5 VB 6 VIB 7 VIIB 8 VIIIB 9 VIIIB 10 VIIIB 11 IB 12 IIB 13 Al Aluminum 26.982 14 Si Silicon 28.086 15 P Phosphorus 30.974 16 S Sulfur 32.065 17 Cl Chlorine 35.453 18 Ar Argon 39.948 19 K Potassium 39.098 20 Ca Calcium 40.078 21 Sc Scandium 44.956 22 Ti Titanium 47.867 23 V Vanadium 50.942 24 Cr Chromium 51.996 25 Mn Manganese 54.938 26 Fe Iron 55.845 27 Co Cobalt 58.933 28 Ni Nickel 58.693 29 Cu Copper 63.546 30 Zn Zinc 65.409 31 Ga Gallium 69.723 32 Ge Germanium 72.64 33 As Arsenic 74.922 34 Se Selenium 78.96 35 Br Bromine 79.904 36 Kr Krypton 83.798 37 Rb Rubidium 85.468 38 Sr Strontium 87.62 39 Y Yttrium 88.906 40 Zr Zirconium 91.224 41 Nb Niobium 92.906 42 Mo Molybdenum 95.94 43 Tc Technetium 98 44 Ru Ruthenium 101.07 45 Rh Rhodium 102.91 46 Pd Palladium 106.42 47 Ag Silver 107.87 48 Cd Cadmium 112.41 49 In Indium 114.82 50 Sn Tin 118.71 51 Sb Antimony 121.76 52 Te Tellurium 127.60 53 I Iodine 126.90 54 Xe Xenon 131.29 55 Cs Cesium 132.91 56 Ba Barium 137.33 57 La Lanthanum 138.91 72 Hf Hafnium 178.49 73 Ta Tantalum 180.95 74 W Tungsten 183.84 75 Re Rhenium 186.21 76 Os Osmium 190.23 77 Ir Iridium 192.22 78 Pt Platinum 195.08 79 Au Gold 196.97 80 Hg Mercury 200.59 81 Tl Thallium 204.38 82 Pb Lead 207.2 83 Bi Bismuth 208.98 84 Po Polonium 209 85 At Astatine 210 86 Rn Radon 222 87 Fr Francium 223 88 Ra Radium 226 89 Ac Actinium 227 104 Rf Rutherfordium 261 105 Db Dubnium 262 106 Sg Seaborgium 266 107 Bh Bohrium 264 108 Hs Hassium 277 109 Mt Meitnerium 268 110 Ds Darmstadtium