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Báo cáo khoa học: "Coreference-inspired Coherence Modeling"

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Research on coreference resolution and summarization has modeled the way entities are realized as concrete phrases in discourse. In particular there exist models of the noun phrase syntax used for discourse-new versus discourse-old referents, and models describing the likely distance between a pronoun and its antecedent. However, models of discourse coherence, as applied to information ordering tasks, have ignored these kinds of information. We apply a discourse-new classifier and pronoun coreference algorithm to the information ordering task, and show significant improvements in performance over the entity grid, a popular model of local coherence. . | Coreference-inspired Coherence Modeling Micha Elsner and Eugene Charniak Brown Laboratory for Linguistic Information Processing BLLIP Brown University Providence RI 02912 melsner ec @cs.brown.edu Abstract Research on coreference resolution and summarization has modeled the way entities are realized as concrete phrases in discourse. In particular there exist models of the noun phrase syntax used for discourse-new versus discourse-old referents and models describing the likely distance between a pronoun and its antecedent. However models of discourse coherence as applied to information ordering tasks have ignored these kinds of information. We apply a discourse-new classifier and pronoun coreference algorithm to the information ordering task and show significant improvements in performance over the entity grid a popular model of local coherence. 1 Introduction Models of discourse coherence describe the relationships between nearby sentences in which previous sentences help make their successors easier to understand. Models of coherence have been used to impose an order on sentences for multidocument summarization Barzilay et al. 2002 to evaluate the quality of human-authored essays Miltsakaki and Kukich 2004 and to insert new information into existing documents Chen et al. 2007 . These models typically view a sentence either as a bag of words Foltz et al. 1998 or as a bag of entities associated with various syntactic roles Lapata and Barzilay 2005 . However a mention of an entity contains more information than just its head and syntactic role. The referring expression itself contains discourse-motivated information distinguishing familiar entities from unfamiliar and salient from non-salient. These patterns have been studied extensively by linguists Prince 1981 Fraurud 1990 and in the field of coreference resolution. We draw on the coreference work taking two standard models from the literature and applying them to coherence modeling. Our first model distinguishes .