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Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology

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Since the introduction of recombinant human growth hormone and insulin a quarter century ago, protein therapeutics has greatly broadened the horizon of health care. Many patients suffering with life-threatening diseases or chronic dysfunctions,whichweremedically untreatable not long ago, can attest to the wonder these drugs have achieved. Although the first generation of protein therapeutics was produced in recombinant Escherichia coli, most recent products usemammalian cells as production hosts.Not long after the first production of recombinant proteins in E. coli, itwas realized that the complex tasks of most post-translational modifications on proteins could only be efficiently carried out in mammalian cells. In the 1990s, we witnessed a rapid expansion of mammalian-cell-derived protein. | www.dbebooks.com - Free Books magazines Series Editor T. Scheper Volume Editor WrS. Hu Cell Culture Engineering Ê Springer 101 Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology Series Editor T. Scheper Editorial Board W. Babel I. Endo S.-O. Enfors A. Fiechter M. Hoare W.-S. Hu B. Mattiasson J. Nielsen H. Sahm K. Schugerl G. Stephanopoulos U. von Stockar G. T. Tsao C. Wandrey J.-J. Zhong Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology Series Editor T. Scheper Recently Published and Forthcoming Volumes Tissue Engineering II Basics of Tissue Engineering and Tissue Applications Volume Editors Lee K. Kaplan D. Vol. 103 2006 Regenerative Medicine I Theories Models and Methods Volume Editor Yannas I. V. Vol. 93 2005 Technology Transfer in Biotechnology Tissue Engineering I Scaffold Systems for Tissue Engineering Volume Editors Lee K. Kaplan D. Vol. 102 2006 Volume Editor Kragl U. Vol. 92 2005 Recent Progress of Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering in Japan II Cell Culture Engineering Volume Editor Hu W.-S. Vol. 101 2006 Volume Editor Kobayashi T. Vol. 91 2004 Recent Progress of Biochemical and Biomedical Biotechnology for the Future Volume Editor Nielsen J. Vol. 100 2005 Engineering in Japan I Volume Editor Kobayashi T. Vol. 90 2004 Gene Therapy and Gene Delivery Systems Volume Editors Schaffer D. V. Zhou W. Vol. 99 2005 Physiological Stress Responses in Bioprocesses Volume Editor Enfors S.-O. Vol. 89 2004 Sterile Filtration Volume Editor Jornitz M. W. Vol. 98 2006 Molecular Biotechnology of Fungal 6-Lactam Antibiotics and Related Peptide Synthetases Volume Editor Brakhage A. Vol. 88 2004 Marine Biotechnology II Volume Editors Le Gal Y. Ulber R. Vol. 97 2005 Biomanufacturing Volume Editor Zhong J.-J. Vol. 87 2004 Marine Biotechnology I Volume Editors Le Gal Y. Ulber R. Vol. 96 2005 New Trends and Developments in Biochemical Engineering Vol. 86 2004 Microscopy Techniques Volume Editor Rietdorf J. Vol. 95 2005 Biotechnology in India II Volume Editors Ghose T. K. Ghosh .