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Search Patterns: Design for Discovery

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Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. In this provocative and inspiring book, you'll explore design patterns that apply across the categories of web, ecommerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and real-time search and discovery. Filled with colorful illustrations and examples, Search Patterns brings modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance, faceted navigation, multi-touch, personalization, visualization, multi-sensory search, and augmented reality. . | Peter Morvỉlle Jeffery Callender O REILLY www.it-ebooks.info Web Scarch Engines Search Patterns Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. In this provocative and inspiring book you ll explore design patterns that apply across the categories of web e-commerce enterprise desktop mobile social and realtime search and discovery. Filled with colorful illustrations and examples Search Patterns brings modern information retrieval to life covering such diverse topics as relevance faceted navigation multitouch personalization visualization multisensory search and augmented reality. By drawing on their own experience as well as best practices and evidence-based research the authors not only offer a practical guide to help you build effective search applications they also challenge you to imagine the future of discovery. You ll find Search Patterns intriguing and invaluable whether you re a web practitioner mobile designer search entrepreneur or just interested in the topic. Discover a pattern language for search that embraces user psychology and behavior information architecture interaction design and emerging technology Boost enterprise efficiency and e-commerce sales Enable mobile users to achieve goals complete tasks and find what they need Drive design innovation for search interfaces and applications Peter Morville is a founder of the field of information architecture and an advisor to such clients as AT T Harvard IBM the Library of Congress Microsoft and Vodafone. Jeff Callender is vice president and design director of Q LTD. Search Patterns is a delight to read very thoughtful and thought provoking. It s the most comprehensive survey of designing effective search experiences I ve seen. Irene Au Director of User Experience Google I love this book Thanks to Peter and Jeffery I now know that search yes boring old yucky who cares search is one of the coolest ways .