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Economic bulletin vol 34 no 12

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The Green Book : Current Economic Trends Overview 1. External economic situation 2. Private consumption 3. Facility investment 4. Construction investment 5. Exports and imports 6. Mining and manufacturing production 7. Service sector activity 8. Employment 9. Financial markets 9.1 Stock market 9.2 Exchange rate 9.3 Bond market 9.4 Money supply & money market 10. Balance of payments 11. Prices and international commodity prices 11.1 Prices 11.2 International oil and commodity prices 12. Real estate market 12.1 Housing market 12.2 Land market 13. Composite indices of business cycle indicators. | Vol.34 No. 12 Dynamic K R.EA December 2012 ECONOMIC Bulletin The Green Book Current Economic Trends 03 Policy Issues 42 Korean Government to Improve Foreign Capital Stability Vol.34 No.12 December2012 MOSF KDI Economic News Briefing 45 Korea Grows 0.1 in Q3 OECD Forecasts 3.1 Growth for Korea Next Year Korea-China to Use Currency Swap for Trade Settlements Korea s Trade Exceeds US 1 Trillion for Second Straight Year Statistical Appendices 49 MINISTRY OF STRATEGY AND FINANCE Economic INFORMATION AND EDUCATION CENTER KDI Vol. 34 I No. 12 Republic of Korea Economic Bulletin The Green Book Current Economic Trends Overview 3 1. External economic situation 4 2. Private consumption 8 3. Facility investment 12 4. Construction investment 14 5. Exports and imports 16 6. Mining and manufacturing production 18 7. Service sector activity 20 8. Employment 22 9. Financial markets 26 9.1 Stock market 9.2 Exchange rate 9.3 Bond market 9.4 Money supply money market 10. Balance of payments 30 11. Prices and international commodity prices 32 11.1 Prices 11.2 International oil and commodity prices 12. Real estate market 36 12.1 Housing market 12.2 Land market 13. Composite indices of business cycle indicators 40 Policy Issues Korean government to improve foreign capital stability 42 Economic News Briefing 45 Statistical Appendices .