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Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Sexual reproduction in Populus II. Information molecules of the pollen grain"

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Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp Original article đề tài: Sexual reproduction in Populus II. Information molecules of the pollen grain. | 67s Ann. Sci. For. 1989 46 suppl 67s-71s Forest Tree Physiology E. Dreyer et al. eds. Elsevier INRA Sexual reproduction in Populus II. Information molecules of the pollen grain M. Gaget1 M. Villar2 c. Kerhoas1 and c. Dumas1 1 Laboratoire de Reconnaissance Cellulaire et Amélioration des Plantes INRA 23879 Université Lyon I 43 bd 11-novembre-1918 F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex and 2INRA Station d Amelioration des Arbres Forestiers Ardon F-45160 Olivet France Introduction Sexual interactions in flowering plants depend upon pollen-pistil biocommunications involving biochemical signals exchanged between the mating partners. Such components involved in self-incompatibility are known to be the primary products of the s self-incompatibility gene. They are of protein and glycoprotein nature Nasrallah and Nasrallah 1986 Gaude and Dumas 1987 . On the other hand no data are available on the pollinic signals implicated in interspecific incompatibility of self-compatible species. Cellular localization and biochemical identification of pollinic molecules likely to be implicated in interspecific incompatibility in Poplars are presented in this paper. Our model involves 2 species of section Aigeiros Populus nigra p. deltoides and one species of section Leuce P. alba . Crosses between species of these 2 botanical sections are strictly incompatible. Materials and Methods p. nigra p. deltoides and p. alba branches were obtained from the INRA Forestry station in Orléans France . Pollen was collected and stored in closed vials at -18 c. For cytochemistry ultrathin pollen sections were prepared according to Gaget 1988 . They were stained with uranyl acetate lead citrate Reynolds 1963 and observed at 80 kV with the Hitachi HU 12A microscope at CMEABG University of Lyon France. Freeze-fracture was performed according to Kerhoas et al. 1987 and replicas were observed by transmission electron microscopy TEM . Pollen prints were obtained by placing pollen grains onto a formvar-coated grid for 30