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The Women’s Health Fast-Track Tone-Up Plan
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The demographic changes within populations, especially in developing regions, are projected to occur at a rate of three and a half times from 1980 to 2020, causing a rapid increase in the over-60 population. With more people living longer, the burden of unnecessary blindness from trachoma among older people is estimated to be very high. And, of the projected 50 million blind people living in low-income societies by the year 2020, roughly 38 million will be women. | Women sHealth The Women s Health Fast-Track Tone-Up Plan The greatest workout you ll ever get inside a gym or out The biggest obstacle between you and the body you want might come from an unexpected source Your gym. Big crowds complicated machines and limited space can slow your workouts and your transformation. Think about it Every moment you spend standing around waiting for the leg press machine or a cable station is less time you spend challenging your muscles and igniting your metabolism. More sitting around means less intensity and that undercuts your ability to make quick gains from your time in the gym. And with less time than ever to exercise you need a workout that guarantees results fast. This fat-burning muscle-toning workout requires only a single set of dumbbells meaning there s never been a simpler way to sculpt a better body. It s so basic your home can instantly become the ultimate gym. The workout combines 10 exercises performed as a high-intensity circuit that works every muscle in your body. But this isn t your traditional program filled with the routine 3 sets of 10 reps. Those are arbitrary goals set by some gym teacher back in sixth grade. This plan works by using time the ultimate motivator and it allows you to challenge your body and push your fitness to new levels. Instead of worrying about completing a predetermined number of reps you will focus on performing as many reps as possible using perfect form. This approach allows you to choose if you want to perform more reps or add more weight putting you in control of your goal. You ll be changing your body strengthening your heart and doing everything you need to look and live healthier than ever. Directions Do this circuit 3 days a week. Perform 1 set of each exercise in succession. Each set consists of doing the exercise as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Use only perfect form it doesn t count if you cheat and when your 30 seconds is up give yourself 15 seconds to rest before moving .