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Expert CAD Management The Complete Guide phần 8
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Làm thế nào để bạn bán cho mình (và giá trị của bạn) để quản lý khi bạn có cơ hội hạn chế để đáp ứng với họ? Câu hỏi. Bất kỳ nhân viên bán hàng tốt sẽ cho bạn biết rằng nghệ thuật bán các bản lề trên liên lạc thường xuyên với người mà bạn đang bán hàng và đạt được số liên lạc đó là khó khăn. | Reporting Effectively How do you sell yourself and your value to management when you have limited chances to meet with them Good question. Any good salesperson will tell you that the art of selling hinges on constant contact with the person you re selling to and that gaining that contact is difficult. If you d like to sell management on your value and educate them about what you re up to what should you do You should educate them with the right types of reports so they understand what you re doing and let them draw their own conclusions about how valuable you are based on what you accomplish. Find ways to keep management in the loop using the most economical reporting format you can more on that in the sidebar that follows. Note Having a body of well-written reports looks great during your performance review 188 CHAPTER 10 BUILDING CRUCIAL SKILLS Writing a Brief Weekly Report Time consumed per week 20 minutes usually two 10-minute sessions evenly spaced throughout the week. Time saved per week At least an hour. Even if your manager doesn t require you to write a weekly report I highly recommend that you write one anyway if for no other reason than to foster better communication of your value to the organization.I ve used a brief weekly report format with great success over the years because it affords me the following benefits It summarizes what I ve achieved in the current week. It summarizes what I hope to achieve in the following week. It serves as a checklist that I can use to make sure I m staying on track. It shows management that I m on top of the details and have a plan. It allows me to keep an open dialogue with my management team because they always know what I m doing and what I m thinking even if the only contact they have with me in a given week is reading my report. Get in the habit of writing a weekly report and it ll seem easy in just a few weeks.You ll be amazed how well you can track your job using old reports and how much more on the radar you ll