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Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 2

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Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 2: The information in this book is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranty Although every pre-caution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author(s) nor Apress shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this work. | CONTENTS vii chapter 4 Ajax Advanced Client Server Communication.49 Ajax Rocks.49 Ajax Sucks.50 Prototype s Ajax Object.50 Ajax.Request.52 Ajax.Updater.56 Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.60 Controlling the Polling.60 Advanced Examples Working with Dynamic Content.62 Example 1 The Breakfast Log.62 Example 2 Fantasy Football.74 Summary.89 CHAPTER 5 Events.91 State of the Browser Or How We Got Here .91 Pre-DOM Part 1.91 Pre-DOM Part 2.92 Events The Crash Course.94 Using Event stopPropagation Event preventDefault and Event stop.99 A Further Example.101 Events and Forms.102 Client-Side Validation.102 Cleaning It Up.107 Custom Events.108 The First Custom Event.109 Broadcasting Scores.109 Listening for Scores.110 Summary.111 chapter 6 Working with the DOM.113 About the DOM API.113 Node Genealogy.113 viii CONTENTS Prototype s DOM Extensions.115 Modifying.115 Traversing and Collecting.128 Creating Nodes.132 Putting It Together.135 Summary.137 chapter 7 Advanced JavaScript Functional Programming and Class-Based OOP.139 Object-Oriented JavaScript Programming with Prototype.139 Why OOP .139 Remedial OOP Namespacing.141 Advanced OOP Using Classes.142 Usage DOM Behavior Pattern.148 Functional Programming.158 Functions Can Have Their Own Methods.159 Using Function curry.159 Using Function delay and Function defer.161 Using Function bind.164 Summary.165 chapter 8 Other Helpful Things Useful Methods on Built-Ins.167 Using String Methods.167 String Utility Methods.167 The Template Class and String Interpolation.176 Using JSON.180 What Does JSON Look Like .180 Why JSON .181 Serializing with Object.toJSON.181 Unserializing with String evalJSON.182 Overriding the Default Serialization.183 Using Object Methods.184 Type Sniffing with Object.isX.184 CONTENTS ix Using Array Methods.188 The reverse and clear Methods.188 The uniq and without Methods.189 Summary.189 PART 2 script.aculo.us chapter 9 What You Should Know About DHTML and script.aculo.us.193 Introducing the CSS Box Model.193 Visualizing .