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Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans EPA QA/G-5

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This note aims to encourage operations managers and staff not only to give priority to project implementation performance but also to balance it with sustainable institutional capacity development beyond the project. To that end, existing country institutions should be the “default” mode, and PIUs—especially parallel “stand-alone” PIUs—should be phased out. This note reflects lessons learned and draws on existing good practices in the expectation that they can become the rule rather than the exception. I encourage all operations staff and managers to read this note as they plan for new operations and to reflect its. | United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information Washington DC 20460 EPA 240 R-02 009 December 2002 ẴEPA Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans EPA QA G-5 FOREWORD This document Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans provides guidance to EPA employees and other organizations involved in developing Quality Assurance QA Project Plans that address the specifications listed in EPA Requirements for QA Project Plans QA R-5 May 2001 . It replaces all earlier versions of this guidance in their entirety including the version dated February 1998 EPA 600 R-98 018 . This document does not impose legally binding requirements on EPA or the public and may not apply to a particular situation based on the circumstances. EPA retains the discretion to adopt approaches on a case-by-case basis that differ from this guidance where appropriate. Interested parties are free to raise questions about the recommendations in this document and the appropriateness of using them in a particular situation and EPA and other parties should consider whether the recommendations in the document are appropriate for the particular situation. EPA may periodically revise this guidance without public notice. EPA works every day to produce quality information products. The information used in these products are based on Agency processes to produce quality data such as the quality system described in this document. Therefore implementation of the activities described in this document is consistent with EPA s Information Quality Guidelines and promotes the dissemination of quality technical scientific and policy information and decisions. This document is one of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quality System Series documents. These documents describe the EPA policies and procedures for planning implementing and assessing the effectiveness of the Quality System. This document is valid for a period of up to five years from the official publication date. This