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Anh văn lớp 7 - Unit seven: The world of work. B/ The worker. ( B1 )

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By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak daily works. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: part- time, homeless, mechanic, prefer, shift, day off. 2, Structures: He has fewer days off than my Mom. She takes care of thefamily. He repairs machines in the factory. III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a photo of Tom’s family. | Unit seven The world of work. B The worker. B1 I Objectives. By the end of the lesson the students will be able to speak daily works. II Language contents. 1 Vocabulary part- time homeless mechanic prefer shift day off. 2 Structures He has fewer days off than my Mom. She takes care of thefamily. He repairs machines in the factory. III Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book a photo of Tom s family. IV Teaching produres. Stages Teacher s activties Students activites 1 Warm up @Call two students to talk about their studying. Use the picture to introduce the new lesson by making questions -What is this -Whose letter is this Talk about own studying. Look at books and answer the teacher s questions. 2 Presentation. -Who does Tom write about in the letter @Please read this letter and you will know who Tom write about Play the tape and ask the students listen to it carfully. Ask them to read after the tape. Then have them scan it. Go around the class and help them if they need. Call some studens to read the letter in front of the class. Listen to them and correct their mistakes if they have. Explain new words Take care of part- time homeless mechanic prefer shilt day off. Ask the students to read the letter and answer the questions What is his mother s job What does his Dad do in a Read the letter. Listen to the tape. Read the letter while listening. Scan this letter. Read in front of the class. Find the new words and read them. Answer the questions - His mother is a housewife. 3 Practice. factory What does he do in his free time Where do they often go on vacation Call students to answer these questions . Listen to them and corect their mistakes. @ Have students look at the questions that are in the pages 77 and ask them to work in pairs Ask them to practice. Listen and correct their mistakes and give the correct answers. -She works at home but three morning a week she works parttime at a local supermarket. -She cooks lunch for homeless people once a week. -He is a